S2: Ep 1 - Fappy New Year: 2021‘s Year in Review of Bad Sex

Fappy New Year: 2021‘s Year in Review of Bad Sex
Tim Lagman

This is 2021's year in review of all things bad sex. I think the feeling is unanimous when I say that we've had enough of the pandemic, shitty politics, poor media consumption, and horrible sex. You're not alone. Ring in the New Year and sit down with me and Em from The Sexistentialist Podcast as we recap some of the wildest sex things last year had to offer and have ourselves a little sexistentialist crisis. Crazy sex stories, sex in the news and media, and reflecting on our sex lives from the past. What are we going to do to make the new year a better one? Probably just more masturbating and waiting until the world blows up.

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Marxist porn: The Raspberry Reich

The articles referenced in Fact or Fucked
Kinsey: https://blogs.iu.edu/kinseyinstitute/2021/04/21/new-study-on-post-pandemic-sex/
Salon: https://www.salon.com/2021/01/21/thanks-to-a-new-fossil-discovery-we-suddenly-know-a-lot-more-about-dinosaur-sex/
NY Post: https://nypost.com/2021/07/01/man-breaks-penis-after-it-buckled-during-sex-makes-medical-history/
Mirror: https://www.mirror.co.uk/all-about/weird-sex


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Email: timlagman@sexedwithtim.com

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Tim Lagman

Certified sex educator based in Toronto, Canada


S2: Ep 2 - HIV with Pharma Daddy


S1: Ep 20 -Give the Doula Your Moolah